These instructions describe how to run Jetty from a win32 platform from the console and as a service. The following sets up the Jetty environment, assuming that Jetty has been unpacked at C:\java\Jetty-3.0.0: set JETTY_HOME=C:\java\Jetty-3.0.0 %JETTY_HOME%\win32\jettyenv.bat Jetty can now be run on the console with cd %JETTY_HOME% java org.mortbay.jetty.Server etc\jetty.xml To run Jetty as a win32 service: 1. If the C code in %JETTY_HOME%\win32\service has not been compiled: edit %JETTY_HOME%\win32\service\make # set JDK variable cd %JETTY_HOME%\win32\service nmake 2. Locate where your JVM is and look for the jvm.dll file. set JVMDLLDIR=%JAVA_HOME%\bin 3. Copy the jettysrv.exe file to that directory: copy %JETTY_HOME%\win32\service\jettysvc.exe %JVMDLLDIR% 4. Goto that directory: cd %JVMDLLDIR% 5. Test that you can run the exe: jettysvc.exe -? 6. Test that the exe can run Jetty: jettysvc.exe -c -Djava.class.path=%CLASSPATH% -DDEBUG %JETTY_HOME%\etc\jetty.xml wrkdir=%JETTY_HOME% # use browser to hit http://localhost:8080 # ctrl-C 7. Install the service: jettysvc.exe -i -Djava.class.path=%CLASSPATH% -DDEBUG %JETTY_HOME%\etc\jetty.xml wrkdir=%JETTY_HOME% 8. Use the services panel from the control panel to start Jetty (or reboot if that makes it feel more win32 :-). 9. Use browser to hit http://localhost:8080 and check the log files in %JETTY_HOME/logs A. The Service can be removed with: jettysvc.exe -r