Hello! Welcome to the Mojo Mail File! Here, you'll be able to set up your entire mailing list system quickly and easily.

Please look at the end of this file for copyright, license and general information. Donations are always welcome.

Follow the instructions closely and this process should be pretty easy. A few things before we get started. This is a Perl program, so it follows certain programming conventions. You just can't put anything in this file and expect it to work. First off: The '#' (pound character) is used for commenting, any line starting with this character is used to write notes and comments. It won't be seen to Perl as code and it is safe to write whatever you want with, like this:

        # This is a comment. yeee ha.

Also, this file has documentation embedded in itself; if you're looking at this sentence in anything other than the file itself, the documentation has been extracted and saved somewhere else. That's cool, just trust us. The documentation is called POD and looks like this:


        I am pod and I am, OK


Exciting stuff, we know

Lastly, words that start with a '$' (dollar sign) are variables, They're Perl code that stand for something else. You'll need to change some variables (only 4) in this file to make Mojo Mail work correctly. This will be the only file you'll need to change out of the whole bunch. To set up Mojo Mail,follow the instructions exactly. This file is HEAVILY commented to help you along your way, be sure to read all the notes! :) Scroll down about 5 lines until you see the next group of comments to start setting up Mojo Mail.

Mojo Mail Set Up Instructions

You'll need to change 4 variables to get Mojo Mail up and running. We've numbered them and provided help on the way, so let's start! People who are upgrading from previous versions will be able to use most of the same variable values as they've done before.


(1. Make a Mojo Mail Root Password. This is used to Create New Lists Tip -> make this somewhat obscure, and do not use ``mojo'' or ``root_password'' or ``god'' or ``money'' or ``mail''

Tip -> comment the above line like this:

        #$MOJO_ROOT_PASSWORD = 'root_password';

to totally disable new list creations. If you're not going to create new lists for a while, we suggest you comment that line, for security reasons.


(2. What is the Absolute Path the lists going to be stored in? Its a good idea to store this information somewhere OTHER than under your public_html directory, to gaurantee that no list information can be seen via a web browser. You may have to chmod 777 this directory, or your cgi script won't be able to write new files to it. 777 is very open to outside eyes, if you can, always set this to the minimum permission needed!


(3. What is the Absolute Path of your mail program? (type in ``which sendmail'' in a telnet session if you don't have sendmail, this script will still work great, You may have to fiddle around with the ``$MAIL_SETTINGS'' variable under the ``additional settings, after the first four variables. Mojo Mail uses a Mail Program like Sendmail or Qmail to send its messages and it needs to know where the Mail Program is to be able to use it.


4. What is the URL of the mojo.cgi script? This is the address of the mojo.cgi script, (not this file!) so when you're all done setting up the script, you'll have to go here to make your first list.

That's it, You're done! It's recommended that you set up at least one list to see if everything is working correctly and then fix (if any) problems that you find. All other variables either don't need to be changed, or are advanced settings. Your error log is a great place to start figuring out what went wrong. If you don't have access to an error log, scroll through this file to see how to create an error log just for Mojo Mail

Here's a check-off list to make sure you've installed everything correctly, this list is somewhat long and exhaustive, as it covers most frequently asked questions that can be fixed in this file.

Check out the support section on the Mojo Mail website:

If you have any more questions

One last note:

Always Always Always set up a test list. Mailing List Managers are almost always in a critical state, since who knows how many thousands of people are interacting with your lists. Will this sending option work well? at all? Test. Test. Test. Test. You may want to read this entire file to get familiar with what Mojo Mail does. Actually no. I really want you to read this entire file to get familiar with MOJO Mail. It may take you a minute, but it will save you time in the future.

Another Last Note:

This file is going to be your best friend. It's choke full of information, advice and ideas. Use it!

Additional Settings You may want/need to change.

It's well advised that you get familiar with this program and go through it ENTIRELY before you change any of the below settings, From this point, it helps if you have some kind of Unix/Perl background, Or you've used previous versions of the script.


Set a Default List

You can make Mojo Mail look like one of your lists if you change that list's Template. This will transform Mojo Mail from its default look to practically anything you want! Keep this variable blank if you don't want this to happen. At this point, only the actual look is used for a default.


$DB_TYPE specifies what database you'd like to be using. The plain as grain one to use is 'PlainText', although others may be available and you may be so inclined to make your own. MySQL and PostgreSQL should be included in the standard installation.


%SQL_PARAMS are parameters passed to the SQL server. You need to fill these out if you're using either MySQL or PostgreSQL (You also need to make a table for Mojo Mail to work with, explained later). They are as follows:

The name of the database you are using

The name of the database server itself. Example:

The port that is used when connecting to the database server. You usually only needs this for Postgres.

set dbtype to 'mysql' for MySQL usage, 'Pg' for Postgres.

The SQL username

The SQL password

Before trying to install Mojo Mail with an SQL backend, make sure you create the appropriate table. For MySQL users, make the table using this:

 CREATE TABLE mojo_subscribers (
 email_id                                            int4 not null primary key auto_increment,
 email                            text,
 list                             text,
 list_type                        text,
 list_status                      char(1)

For Postgres, use this:

 CREATE TABLE mojo_subscribers (
 email_id                         serial,
 email                            text,
 list                             text,
 list_type                        text,
 list_status                      char(1)


This section deals with Mojo Mail and security - both to tighten it up, and lax it down. Depending on what you want to allow and what you can do.

Set $SHOW_ADMIN_LINK tp '0' to take off the 'Administration' link that you see on the Mojo Mail default page. You can always get to the administration page by pointing your browser to an address like this:

This is a small security measure but may just stop people from snooping further.

Allow the Root Password to Log in to ALL Lists

Set the '$ALLOW_ROOT_LOGIN' variable to '1' to allow the Mojo Root Administrator to use the mojo root password to log into any list. This is handy when you have many many lists and need to tweak them but don't want to keep track off all the list passwords. Setting this variable to 1 does make your lists less secure, as every list can be accessed with the same password and that password is written plainly in this file, unless! you encrypt it (see below)

You can store an encrypted version of the $MOJO_ROOT_PASSWORD, instead of the plain text version and here are the steps.
  1. set up Mojo Mail so it's working, usually this means setting up the first four variables.

  2. point your browser to wherever you have the mojo script at, and at the end of the url, append this: ?f=pass_gen so you'll have something that looks like this:

  3. You'll see a page in your browser that asks for a password to encrypt, type in the password you want to use, and press 'encrypt' An encrypted password will be outputted.

  4. Copy that encrypted password and use it as the root password.

  5. Set $ROOT_PASS_IS_ENCRYPTED (below) to '1';

eat a mango. they're REALLY good.

You can block anyone from using any list control panel by specifying exactly what IP addresses are allowed. Leave the @ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESSES blank -
        @ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESSES = qw();

To disable this security measure. To add an address, just list it, like this:

        @ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESSES = qw(123.456.67.678 

Please note that crafty people can spoof what IP address they're coming from and dial up accounts and connections using DHCP may not have the same IP address per session.

SMTP Sending

You can send email using an SMTP server instead of the sendmail program. If you can, we suggest you do. Mojo Mail uses the amazing Mail::Bulkmail module to do all SMTP sending.

Specify a SMTP server address

You MUST give a valid smtp address, and then select ``send through smtp in the ''Sending Options`` of each list's control panel. We STRONGLY encourage you to use a SMTP server for big heafty lists. The best setting for big lists is using an smtp server and *NOT* (I said not) using batches. batches are used so you don't destroy sendmail with 1,000,000 emails at once, but Mojo used the Mail::Bulkmail, which is lightning fast.

SMTP can be a bit more tricky than regular mailings, you can specify an error log just for SMTP mailings.

(from Mail::Bulkmail) - By default, Mail::Bulkmail will only allow you to use valid e-mail, valid dates, valid timezones, and valid precedences. Turn it on by setting it (in this case $SMTP_TRUSTING) to some non-zero value. This will bypass all error checking. You should probabaly just leave it off so you can check for valid e-mails, dates, etc. note: this only refers to SMTP sending, not the rest of Mojo Mail. We just thought you'd like the option.

This is mostly for WinNT users, but you can send messages, without forking AS LONG AS you're using an SMTP server and YOU ARE NOT using batching. To do that, change this variable to '0';

``|$MAILPROG -t -odq'' is great to use for very large lists as it queues up all messages, but may not be available in all situations Since Mojo Mail 2.4, most optional flags aren't needed, as Mojo now handles the mailing of large lists well with its Batch Sending feature and sending mail through SMTP. These settings are still useful if you are using something other than sendmail or qmail.

See the man page for sendmail or whatever mail system your server uses for more info some flags for sendmail you can use are

-io -> not exit a line with only a dot is read

-t -> read the headers of the message to decide whom to send it to this is really good to have for qmail

-odq -> insert the message into a queue.

-oem -> On error, mail back the message attempting to deliver it immediently.

an example of using all those flags in the variable looks like this:

    $MAIL_SETTINGS = "|$MAILPROG -oi -t -odq -oem";

tip: change this to ``>>filename.txt'';

to make mojo send email to a file, instead of an email, for debugging. here's something to look at: if you want more


NPH stands for No Parse Headers, I don't know what that means either, but Microsoft Servers like it, and I've found that cookies don't get set correctly and you're left with a funky screen saying you did wrong. Set this varable to '1' if you're using a Windows server.

It's also a good idea to rename mojo nph-mojo.cgi for windows servers


The mojo log keeps track of mundane things, such as subscriptions, unsubscription, control panel logins... things like that. This can be pretty useful come debugging time, or something went south during a very important mailing - best to turn this on /before/ that big mailing. Turn logging on by specifying a absolute path to a file you want to use for the log, example:

What should be logged?

Change each value to '1' in the %LOG hash if you want these things logged, change the variable to a '0' if you don't

Create your own error log file for fun and profit! Many people either don't know where their error log is, or aren't allowed to see it, which is pretty cruddy, but here's your chance to make your own error log, and get a better picture of what's going wrong.


You can change the look and feel of Mojo globally by specifying a # different template file to use, examples of what these templates look like are located in the 'extras' directory.

Path to the admin template. An example of this is in the 'extras' directory.

Path to the default user template. An example of this is in the 'extras' directory.

templates are b default, saved in the same directory as your lists. To make things cleaner and nice, you can move them into their own directory

sort of on the same lins, but not really, you can specify a different directory that Mojo should use for writing temporary files. These files my contain sensitive data, like a copy of an outgoing message, so keep that in mind.

List Control Panel

There are links on the bottom of some of the List Control Panel screens that go to helpful tutorials on the Mojo Mail support site. If you'd like these messages taken off, set this variable to '0'

By default, when you log into the administration area, you are shown the ``Send a List Message'' Screen. You can specify a different URL to go to by changing the $DEFAULT_ADMIN_SCREEN variable.\

This generates the Admin Menu and various links and features can be turned on and off via the control panel. You shouldn't fool around with $ADMIN_MENU itself unless you want to add a feature, like a plugin.

Customize the ``View List'' Screen in the Administration Area You can turn off and on many of the features in the ``View List'' administration area. If lists get really large, it may take some time for this page to load, some people have reported that the screen won't load at all. The main reason for this is the scroll box that holds a list of all the subscribed people. Not only does it take time to sort through the list in alphabetical order and then print all the addresses out, it's also a huge burden for the browser to render a select box that large. It's not much help anyways to have a select box holding 10,000 email addresses. You can stop this select box from being shown by editing the below variable to '0'

To turn it on again, change this variable to 1

$EMAIL_CASE configures mojo to either lowercase ONLY the 'domain' part of an email, or lowercase the entire email address. lower casing the domain is the correct way, since the 'name' part of an email should be case sensitive, but is almost never handled that way. set this to 'lc_domain' to lowercase JUST the domain, or set this to 'lc_all' to lowercase the entire email address.

@EMAIL_EXCEPTIONS allows you to enter email addresses that wouldn't normally pass the email address validator. Good for testing offline when all you have is, say, root@localhost working

$LIST_IN_ORDER controls whether your email list is handled in alphabetical order. Having a list in alphabetical order makes a list easier to work with, but BE WARNED, this will, especially when you're using a PlainText list, slow down things. If you have small lists, then this should be too too much of a problem. Set this variable to '1' to have your list sorted, 0, to keep your list unsorted.

This variable tells Mojo Mail if you should show the ``Top Level Domains'' table. You might not be interested in this information, or your list is so large that your ``View List'' page is having trouble loading. Change this to 0 to stop the table from being shown

The Domain Table can also be customized, You can put in, or take away any top level domain ending (like com or edu) by changing this list. Just add to the list, or delete something out of it, follow the pattern. Lots of top-level domain listings won't necessarily slow down the ``View List'' page.

This variable tells Mojo Mail if it should show the ``Services'' table. You might not be interested in this information, or your list is so large that your ``View List'' page is having trouble loading.

The services Panel can also be customized, You can put in, or take away any service that you want to track, add a record in between the parentheses, heres an example of what a new service would look like:

        'Altavista'     => '',

Put the NAME of the service on the left, and the domain ending on the right that corresponds to that service. The domain ending for American Online is ``'' Follow the pattern!

Artsy Buttons
these are buttons styles, if you find yourself well read in CSS, go ahead and fool around with em,


$FILE_CHMOD is a variable that sets what permission Mojo Mail sets files to when it initialy writes them, you can set it to a few things: 0660 - probably all you need 0666 - allows anyone to read and write files in the $FILES directory 0755 - probably insecure 0777 - shooting yourself in the foot insecure 0600 - god awful paranoid about the whole thing - life in general, as secure as it gets

It's a good idea to figure out what works and leave this variable alone after your lists are set up, as you may not be able to access alist under a different $FILE_CHMOD.

We've changed what the $FILE_CHMOD Mojo Mail is shipped (02/13/01) with from 0660 to 0666, note that this may be less secure than 0660, but may solve some problems people are having. Change this back to 0660 if everything seems to have been running just fine.

Email Messagess and Headers

Charsets that Mojo Mail supports, they are the most used, to add your own, would look like this:
        'Description    charset',

There's a TAB between the Description and the actual charset, THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT.

This is the default group of Precedences used when sending Bulk Messages, be warned the SMTP sending may not support any other prededence value except the ones listed here.

These are the default content-types, add your own, have fun

priorities of mailings. I find people that send me things with the highest priority telling me about credit cards really don't garder my attention.

Sets how plain text messages are encoded, different things you can set this to:

7bit, 8bit, quoted-printable, base64

Additional Settings You'll probably not need to change.

(advanced hacker stuff)

This is how you can set all the variables located in the module outside of the module itself. Why would you want to do that? It makes Mojo more upgradable. Everytime you upgrade Mojo you don't have to tweak this file (or tweak it only slightly) you just throw up the new distro and away you go! Now, Mojo finds this external config file in a bunch of ways.

You can implicitly set the directory it lives in by changing the $MOJO_CONFIG_FILE_DIR variable that lives inside the module. Wherever the external config file lives, it needs to be called .mojo_config

If you don't change the $MOJO_CONFIG_FILE_DIR variable in the file, Mojo will try to look in your home directory for the .mojo_config file. It tries to find your home directory in different places, one is the Environment Variable $ENV{'HOME'} and by called the getpwuid() function as so:

        getpwuid $> )[7]

The rub with these is that you usually can't get anything from the getpwuid() function unless you run the script as same user that created it, ie via suEXEC or by setting the setuid bit.

So, knowing this, the easiest, most suprise-unfriendly way to set the .mojo_config file directory location is to *sigh* set it in this here module. I'll leave setting the setuid bit for scripts that use the file decision up to you.

If you don't set any of the above, will use the same directory that it's in as the directory to find the .mojo_config file, which I guess ain't the worst way to go about things.

Anyways, an example of a .mojo_config file would look like this:

 $MOJO_ROOT_PASSWORD  = 'root_password';
 $FILES               = '/home/home_dir/mojo_lists_dir';
 $MAILPROG            = '/usr/lib/sendmail';  
 $MOJO_URL            = '';

Pretty much any variable, array or hash can be saved in the .mojo_config file, as long as it's not set inside a BEGIN{} block, whoich leaves out $MOJO_ERROR_LOG and @AnyDBM_File::ISA treat .mojo_config as a file that gets eval() right into cause well, that's what happens. Because of this, great care should be made in where you put .mojo_config

The $MOJO_CONFIG_FILE_DIR is located at the top of the file, right after the first 4 variables for easy getting-at and fumbling.

Operating System
Mojo tries to guess your Operating System using the $^O variable. If it's guessing wrong, you can set it yourself.

Seed random number generator
if this is taken off, the seed random number will be made from the time, or from something pretty random, depending on your version of Perl

Where is the salt number located in the encrypted password? its usually at substr(0,2) but may be different on different systems, some sytems are set to substring(3,2) Actually, I've only had this problem on one system, Mine, :) which was a FreeBsd 4.0 distro. Under most cases, this is NOT going to be your problem!

the salt number, change $SALT to

         $SALT = "mj";

if all else fails.

A pin number is made when someone wants to subscribe to your list. They will get a confirmation email with a special link that includes their e-mail, and a pin thats generated from the email and the variables below using a mathematical equation. Its much harder to guess a pin with these two variables changed:

When making new lists, make each file Mojo Mail needs Change this to ``0'' if, for some reason you don't want this done.

These defaults will be used when CREATING a new list. These defaults will also be used for existing lists if there isn't a variable already set. These values correspond to the values created in the list databases, an example would be:
                                 black_list    => 1, 
                                 send_via_smtp => 1,

this would setup all lists created now with black lists on, and mail being sent using SMTP.

%LIST_SETUP_OVERRIDES will override any setting that's in the %LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS hash and whatever is set in the list preferences.

Change what DB Mojo Mail will use. Mojo Mail can use various db packages to save each list's information, it looks for the best one and uses the next package in the list if it can't find it. if you get a software error (an error 500, not having no information changed when creating a new list) you may have to change this to:
        BEGIN { @AnyDBM_File::ISA = qw(SDBM_File) }

SDBM is the worst package to use, but it is always available with perl. see the man page for the AnyDBM_File for more information

check the AnyDBM_File for more info (yo)

To add an attachment to a list message in Mojo Mail from the control panel, we have to upload it via the web browser. There's two ways we can do this, one is to save the information in the $FILES directory and then open it up, attach it, and then delete it, the other involves some magical qualities of and MIME::Lite, probably coupled with your server's /tmp file, if you can use it. setting $ATTACHMENT_TEMPFILE to '1' uploads, saves, attaches and then deletes the file, setting it to '0' does it magicaly. I suggest 1, unless you want to play around with it.

These are the MIME types Mojo Mail understands, the file ending is on the left, what MIME type it maps to is on the right. Feel free to add your own.

In case nothing up there matches what someone is trying to upload, there's a default MIME type, for a last ditch guess. Some mail readers are sophisticated enough to figure out what an attachment is without its MIME type, but don't count on it.

This is set for the $MIME::Lite::PARANOID variable, set it to 1 if you don't know if you have the MIME::Base64 or MIME::QuotedPrint or you don't know what those are :)

set mime_hush to 1 to ``suppress/unsuppress all warnings coming from this module.

This is the version of this Mojo Mail Program. mostly its used to see if there's a new version out there to use and to say that you've got the freshest tools on the web

This is the name of the program. I guess if this script has a mid-life crisis or something, it can change it's name, buy a really fast car start chasing guys half her age.


If you need further support for this script, please do not email me directly, but use one of the following channels:


My name is Justin Simoni

e. - me@justinsimoni ph. - 720.436.7701 w. -

I am available for Installation, Customization and Consultation of the Mojo Mail program. I am also available for contract work, web design, Fine and Commercial Art.

Please, get in touch.


Copyright (c) 1999 - 2003 Justin Simoni All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

Last Words

``The sitting posture of Michelangelo's ''Moses`` is said to have been necessitated by the compact form of the block of marble he had to work with. Divine is always being presented with odd-shaped marbles that make her achieve masterpieces.''

-Genet, ``Our Lady of the Flowers''