TODO file

make Mojo Mail mod_perl compatible
Making Mojo Mail mod_perl compatible will make it more appealing to larger organisations and businesses. There are relatively few barriers to make this happen. There are some exit() function calls in Mojo Mail that will have to be either removed. Mojo Mail also forks off mailings; an alternative to this will have to be found.

More testing on different servers/OS's
Windows Servers currently aren't tested at all. This is because I don't have access to a server on a Windows machine. This could be a job for someone else.

Allow Mojo Mail to run in Taint mode.
Taint mode forces you to make special security considerations in the Perl program. Knowing a program can be run in taint mode will appeal to larger organisations. You can test if Mojo Mail can run in Taint mode by adding the '-T' flag in the shebang line in mojo.cgi:

#!/usr/bin/perl -T

Recently, Mojo Mail has been known to work with this flag on in most functions, but this needs much, much more testing.