New Features
Version 2.7.1
Version 2.7
Version 2.6
New Features
Version 2.7.1
Archives can be added to a list without sending an actual mailing.
Mac iCal URLS, (webcal://...) are now supported and will be converted to a live link in archives and in HTML from plaintext list messages, the same way http and ftp links are.
Version 2.7
list-specific headers can now be removed
List templates can be applied to HTLM list messages
POP-before-SMTP authentication tester
SMTP settings easier to set up.
Charsets should work again. (sorry 'bout that)
=item * Subscribe/unsubscribe on the default page (fancy that!)
Each list has its own screen, where can subscribe/unsusbscribe, view the lists information and privacy policy and alos browse through the list's archives.
email validation sees whether a mail host exists for the address's domain.
This can seriously cut down on the amount of bounces you receive when people put invalid addresses in a subscription form.
send a test message using
Version 2.6
Broader email support
support for emails with new, 4 character top level domains (ie .info)
SQL database support
Postgres, MySQL subscription list support, as well as framework for any other kind of subscription backend.
Admin Control Panel Customizaton
Administration look and feel now skinnable
POP-before-SMTP Authentication support
Change the name of your list
Included Bounce Handler
Alphabetically sorted lists
Rewritten script
Root Login Enhancements
Lists logins by root allow you to turn on and off certain features of the list control panel
Better WinNT support
Bulk sendings do not have to be
for greater WinNT compatibility