If not set to false, adds a reply-to to group mailings when sending via mojo_send.pl that will be the same as the the original messages's To: header, this usually being the email address to the list
1 or 0
If set to 1, appends the -f email_address flag to the $MAIL_SETTINGS variable before list sending. The -f flag sets an email for the Return-Path header and takes the place of the Errors-To header.
1 or 0
If set to 1, adds any email that unsubscribes to a list to the list's blacklist
1 or 0
Holds the administrative email for a list. Errors-To and Return-Path headers will be set to this address
a valid email address
If true, automatically checkmarks emails addresses that are black listed in the list control panel when subscribing a list.
1 or 0
If true, Allow past subscribers to subscribe again, even though they are black listed
1 or 0
If true, allows variable Interpolation in group mailings
1 or 0
if not false, adds the list name to the subject of group mailings between brackets
1 or 0
Sets how many messages are shown on each screen of the archives
a valid number
If not false, archives list messages
1 or 0
If true, adds a search form tpo archive screens
1 or 0
if true, allows people to send an archived message to another email address
1 or 0
if true, shows the day of an archived message
1 or 0
if true, shows the hour and minute of an archived message
1 or 0
if true, shows the month of an archived message
1 or 0
if true, shows the seconds of an archived message
1 or 0
if true, shows the year of an archived message
1 or 0
if true, shows a list subscription form in archive screens
1 or 0
if true, turns on blacklisting
1 or 0
sets the amount of messages sent in each batch of a bulk mailing
a valid number
set the amount, in units that the scripts sleeps between batches this number is then used in conjunction with bulk_send_seconds_label to find the bulk_sleep_amount
a valid number
used to figure out what the bulk_sleep amount is
seconds, minutes, hours', days
the amount, in seconds that the script will sleep between batches
a valid number