--------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - name: Decyphile AIM Bot v3.4 :ActiveAgent: - author: Jasper - www: http://jasper.wintermarket.org - t/d: 6:01 PM 9/9/02 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------------------------------- Decyphile is very easy to setup and use. Before you can use it you must edit some things, and make a new screenname for it (if you wish). Open up 'decyphile.pl' in a text editor like Notepad (i prefer UltraEdit). At the top of this file you should see a section that says 'Bot Configuration'. You need to edit this portion of the file. --------- -Example- --------- ################## #bot configuration (default) my $screenname = shift || "SCREENNAME"; #replace with your screenname my $pass = shift || "PASSWORD"; #replace with screennames password my $redirect = shift || 0; #redirect all messages bot receives to master (1=true,0=false) my $chat = 1; #enable/disable automatic chat messages (1=true,0=false) my $smart_resp = shift || 1; #enable smart responses (1=true,0=false) my $away = 1; #set bot as always away (1=true,0=false) my $away_msg = "Decyphile Bot is currently away!"; #bots away message (if away) my $spare_bot = "Robosyncrasy"; #Bot you will have user use if normal bot is warned to much my $warning_lvl = 50; #warning level bot should stop responding at my $log_path = "../../public_html/shitz/logs/bot"; #where to log everything; leave blank for no logging ------------- -End Example- ------------- Configuration Explained: '$screenname' variable holds the screenname that the bot will use. You can replace 'SCREENNAME' or you can pass the screenname to the script as an argument (ie: perl decyphile.pl Robosyncrasy). '$pass' variable holds the password for the screenname above. Like '$screenname', you can replace 'PASSWORD' or just pass the password to the script as an argument (ie: perl decyphile.pl Robosyncrasy bot_password). But if you pass the password as an argument, you MUSt also pass the screenname as an argument! '$redirect' - If set to 0 the bot will NOT redirect all received messages to the main master. If set to 1 the bot WILL send all received messages to the first screenname in 'masters.txt'. '$chat' - If set to 0 the bot will automaticly respond to and send chat messages. '$smart_resp' - If set to 1 the bot will try and respond to various chat triggers (defined in 'responses.txt'), if none are found it will take a random line from 'phrases.txt. If set to 0 bot will ONLY get its responses from 'phrases.txt'. '$away' - If set to 1 the bot will be automaticly away when it signs on. '$away_msg' - Holds the away message if $away is set to 0. If left blank, default away message will be 'fock joo. im away!'. '$spare_bot' - Holds the screename of a fellow Decyphile Bot. If this bot has a warning level greater than or equal to $warning_lvl, this script will message this bot and have it messages the local bots users. Still a beta feature, and hasnt been fully tested! '$warning_lvl' - Holds a number value. If bot's warning level is greater than or equal to this value, the bot will try and have another fellow Decyphile Bot message user. '$log_path' - Path for bot to use for logs. Do not place a trailing '/' after path! ------- Adding masters: In order to fully take advantage of what this bot has to offer, you'll need to setup some masters. Open up 'masters.txt' in an editor like Notepad. To add a master you just need to place the screenname that you want to be a master followed by a ':' (ie: J4SP3R:). Keep this all on one line! If you want to add more than one master just do it like this: J4SP3R:Master1:Master2:Master3: Pretty easy eh? :) You can also add masters when the bot is running by using the '.addmaster' command, or you can just edit this file to! Hope you have fun using this bot. And if you use any of this code in your bots, please give me some credit (.v is a good place to do this, and in the info) ;). Enjoy! ^jasper