Decyphile version 3.4 :ActiveAgent:

-New Things-

     This version of loaded with new features. After about acouple of months of being stagnant I decided to start working on decyphile again. Here is a list of all the new features/fixes that I can think of at the moment:
  • Screenname Blocking.
  • Flood protection; so the bot dosn't logoff when flooded with im/chat/error messages.
  • Message Redirect; redirects the messages that bot receives from non-masters to main master (first master in masters.txt).
  • Spare Bot; if current bot has a warning > 50% it will message user with it's spare bot.
  • 'Smart' Responses; bot will respond to differant triggers in messages.
  • Removed 'Always Away' code sniplet; user can now specify weither they would like bot to be always away (and with specified message).
  • Added user commands; users can use certain commands via chat/im messages (prefixed with '!').
  • IM/Chat message logging.
  • Warner Return; if a person who has warned the bot before trys to message bot that person will be ignored and warned.
  • User can use special characters in im/chat messages:
    • %n - replaced with remote screenname
    • %t - replaced with local time
    • %d - replaced with local date
    • %r - replaced with random number (1-9999)
    • %s - replaced with random text (a-zA-Z0-9[]_-^{})
  • Master[s] can enable/disable bots chat room responses.
  • Bot is was easier to setup and use.

The following people helped in this version in some way or another:
  • RpgWarrior - donating ideas, and bug testing.
  • Faust - letting me run my bot on his server.
  • Strokie - for the idea of making a 'bot', and also for ideas.
  • Elyse - words of encouragement.
  • All the people whom messaged Robosyncrasy while decyphile was in going from v2.2 to v3.4.

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