
AI Agent is an application that lets you build easy-to-use knowledge bases (Brains). These databases are
presented in a variety of new and unique ways. Users will appreciate the interactive nature of our many
animated agents.
The animated characters are ready-to-learn (Agents) and live on your PC desktop. They happily interact
with you, making your life easier and more organized by storing your information at your command. These
fascinating agents are able to learn, search and retrieve, access online resources, read text and clone
themselves as you direct them.
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Screenshots & Samples
KazTrix DataBuilder 1.0 is the ultimate database designer/publisher. It allows novice and expert users
to build databases of all kinds and access them on their PC and easily publish them to the Internet.
Fully searchable database can be accessed by online users, requiring no plug-ins, or additional software.
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